
9 5/8" P-110 53,5# 73ea 73T 13 3/8" P-110 72# 53ea 72T Total weight 145 tonn On behalf of E&P company in Norway, Pro-Quip have used surplus pipe for sale. All pipe is custom cleared as free circular goods, and will be free-classified/cleaned prior to sale. *Joints are R3 lengths, Sale terms: - Sold as is, where is - Pipe to be collected on open trucks/flat beds - Payment before collection If you would like to arrange viewing of the material, please let us know. Offers are requested by EOB 28th June. Offers to be made per ton, currency NOK

Used Pipe


Pro-Quip ID: 11122

Certification: Not available

Location: Florø Norway

Documentation: Not available

Connection: N/A

Size: N/A Weight: N/A Grade: N/A


Manufacturer: Tenaris

Quantity:126 Ea.


Ronny E. Jensen

Ronny E. Jensen

COO, Pro-Quip

Tlf.: +47 51 31 41 31

Linkedin profile